One-Time Donation

Monthly Contribution
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Podrunner is really me in a room with a bunch of gear. (This page describes the equipment and effort it takes to make a Podrunner mix.)
Your donation or monthly contribution helps pay for the 12 to 16 hours of time and effort it takes me to produce each mix; the repair, replacement, or upgrade of audio & computer equipment needed to maintain an online show; site hosting & bandwidth; and lots more.
Transactions are made securely through PayPal or Zelle. You do not need a Paypal account to make a donation. And your information will never go on a list or be given to a third party.
If you prefer to mail a check or money order, please send to:
P.O. Box 2255
Benicia, CA 94510
Thank you for joining Team Podrunner!
—Steve Boyett